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Project Update: Northwest Logistics, Building 2


Last week, field crews at Northwest Logistics Center completed the panel erection for Building #2, a 628,000 square foot speculative distribution building for Panattoni in DuPont, WA. Sierra’s tilt crew and NessCampbell tilted the final 80 panels in under three work days. This tilt included three nodes with overlapping architectural panels consisting of 7 ¼,” 9 ¼” and 15 ¼” with weights from 70,000 to 180,000lbs.

This was the second and final tilt for this project. In total, Building 2 has 148 tilt panels and used 21,660 cubic yards of concrete for its construction.

Sierra broke ground last fall on the speculative building and it is the second building in the Northwest Logistics Center. ‘Building 2’ sits on a 32-acre site adjacent to Building 1, which was completed by Sierra in 2014. Building 2 will have 107 overhead doors and a 36’ clear height.

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