Seaway West was completed in 2018. The project consists of two 30’ clear industrial buildings in Everett, Washington.

Building A is 64,781 SF and Building B is 122,196 SF, and both buildings have a 30′ clear height, 50′-55′ typical bay spacing, dock high and grade level loading docks, 238 parking stalls, and 6″ reinforced slab. Building A has 18 dock doors and 4 drive in doors, while Building B has 24 dock doors and 6 drive in doors. The buildings are divisible to up 20,000 square feet, providing a variety of options for future tenants. But Seaway West isn’t your average tilt-up project. Board-formed concrete entry towers give the buildings a more natural look in the heavily forested surrounding area, and were designed in a manner to maximize visibility from the street. Enhanced landscaping was used around the entries to create a more inviting experience. Panel offset’s and building setbacks were utilized in conjunction with steel accent channels and canopies to provide interest and movement and ensure there were no stretches of any long blank facades.

Due to the elevations of the project site, 97,500 cubic yards of cut and fill was performed to accomplish the design grades. The elevations of the buildings were staggered to accommodate the heavily sloped site, and situated in a way that takes advantage of the natural grades while maintaining building square footage. A 14’ tall cast-in-place retaining wall was constructed to keep the storm pond at the required set-back distance from a steep-sloped sensitive area. Other MSE retaining walls throughout the site also aided in the feasibility of the project on this site, some being as tall as 25’.