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Employee Spotlight: Adam Hinthorn

Hinthorn  - spotlight

Meet Adam Hinthorn!

Starting his time at Sierra in 2013, he came from a concrete finishing and residential construction background. His projects since have included Stryker Business Center, Tacoma Screw Fulfillment Center, and Hogum Bay Logistics (HBL) – however, his favorite was the buildout for ULINE at HBL. When not at work, you can find Adam doing anything in the great outdoors with his friends and family.

Adam is easily recognizable both in the field and at company events due to his mullet; but even more so at our annual company golf tournament, where he has frequently arrived in brightly colored golf getup.

Top three life highlights?
Getting married, and having my two beautiful girls

Where is your favorite place to be? 

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Own a custom auto fabrication shop

What are your most overused phrase?
"Yee yee!"

Photo by Adam of an early morning tilt

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