Thank you to everyone who made it to the Sierra Post Christmas Event at the Garage on Friday night. It was a great event, and a great send-off to our SEATTLE SE...
Well, the Seahawks will surely win the Superbowl now, with support from these fans. See if you recognize anyone you work with in this video!
I'm happy to announce the arrival of Miss Lila Rose Enany! She was born on 10/07/13 at 9:48 AM, weighing in at 6 lbs. 3 oz. and 20.5 inches long. According...
The Sierra team made their annual appearance at the Go To Camp Boy Scouts fundraising event this past Friday at Camp Pigott outside of Monroe. Team members Hea...
Yesterday we hosted the first ever Sierra Business Etiquette Seminar in the training room. Our coach was Arden Clise of Clise Etiquette and she talked to the gr...
Sierra sponsored a hole at this year's NAIOP Golf Tournament on Monday, August 12th at Newcastle Golf Course. This years theme was Country and Western, hence th...
Thanks to everyone who made it down to Pyramid Alehouse and Safeco for our Sierra event on Friday. Great weather, great time had by all. Special thanks to the P...
Phil LaRouche is joining the Sierra "new dad" party. Camden Joseph LaRouche arrived on May 22nd at 7:34pm, weighing in at 8 lbs even and 20" long. Mom had a lon...
Congratulations to our newest CITC graduates, Dan Rind and Adrian Moreno.
We have 2 new babies at Sierra! Both Bryan Ploetz and Matt DeFranco decided that Saturday was a great day to have a baby. Here's what we know so far: Bryan and...