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TCO: Northsound Industrial


Sierra Family,

It is with great pleasure the project team at Northsound Industrial gets to announce the shell warehouse and office TI has received a Certificate of Substantial Completion dated 9/26/23 with a Certificate of Occupancy scheduled for early January 2024. As with many projects, long lead items like the lift station backup generator are impacting final project completion.

This project constructed a 36’ clear, 337,000 SF shell warehouse with hybrid roof structure, (116) panels, (84) dock bays, (4) drive in doors, a 3,600 SF spec office TI and a 4 pump storm lift station that captures every drop of water on the 23 acre site.

This standalone Panattoni warehouse project started in August of 2022 with site clearing and grading and did not come without its challenges. Over 140,000 CY of fill was brought in to shape the building pad and grade the site. This site started out as a flat farm field with the average ground water level seemingly 6” below the existing grade. Utilities, slabs and panels were all installed and built through the winter with crews constantly fighting groundwater intrusion, unsuitable soils and icy slabs. As the spring of 2023 gave way to warmer and dryer conditions a 25’ by 75’ by 22’ deep hole was dug into the native Marysville sand for our (4) stormwater lift station wells. Each well being 12’ by 20’. Through the spring and summer, the lift station came together, the roof structure was complete, parking lots were paved, a new city road was established – connecting the north and south portions of 40th Ave NE, 800 LF of 54” squash culvert was installed, and the building dried in. As the Fall of 2023 approached the final touches were being finished and the 3000 amp transformer was set giving power to the building and the stormwater lift station just in time for the fall rains.

As Sierra wins another battle, it cannot go without mention the hard work of all involved. A huge thank you to Lisa Diebler for keeping Andy and myself in line, Brad Maddox for countless Saturdays and early mornings, Louis Paul, John Dahlman, and Jacob Bodnar for getting this project started, and to Kirk MacGowan for his undeniable dedication to the project’s success and always hiring the best subs.

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Project Updates
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