Ashley became part of the Sierra family in 2011. "I started in construction accounting at 19. I’ve been a Job Cost Admin, Contract Admin, AR, AP, and Payroll. Prior to nerding out in accounting, I was a receptionist, a bank teller and I worked at Jamba Juice. I had a blast handing out smoothie coupons in a banana costume!”
Why construction accounting specifically? “The construction industry brings together hard-working, down to earth people that know how to have a good time.”
What is your favorite place to be? Toss up between a snowy mountain or on the water in the sunshine.
Favorite band? My favorite band of all time is The Beastie Boys. They rap a lot about food, and I looooove food.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Unbreakable, so I'd never injure myself...again.
Three most overused phrases? Ummmm..., That's Awesome!, Right?!?!