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#peopleofsierra - November 2024

nov peopleofsierra

Below are #peopleofsierra photos submitted in November 2024. 

(Submitted by Luis Jimenez)
Keith Liebhauser, Bob Carrasco and Ron St Jean (Submitted by Keith Liebhauser)

Ashley Spear, Liz Bultman, Katelyn McNeely, Nancy Adler, Lisa Diebler, Jessica Dowrey, Ashley Metcalfe, Meghan McIntyre, May Jensen & Danyelle Krebs

Danyelle Krebs, Kyle Matthews and Jessica Dowrey (Submitted by Danyelle Krebs)

(Submitted by Dustin Schieber)

Kirk MacGowan and Josh Boettner - Plus Bridge team (Submitted by Kristi Walz)

(Submitted by Dustin Schieber)

(Submitted by Dustin Schieber)

(Submitted by Dustin Schieber)

On the Subject

New Project: Eclipse Fremont
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New Project: Eclipse Fremont

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