As of January 1st, employees with Washington Medical/Dental and Oregon Dental will be live with Premera Blue Cross. Member ID cards have been mailed out and should have been received by all active enrollees. If you have an upcoming appointment scheduled after 1/1/25 with your physician or dentist, please remember to provide them with your new coverage information. Our group number is 4027198.
For Woodinville office employees, your member ID card will be for your medical and dental coverage.
For Portland office employees, your member ID card will be for your dental coverage.
If you have not received your member ID card in the mail, please visit www.premera.com to request a new card. You may also print a temporary ID card from the portal (instructions attached). Plan information is also accessible via the Premera Mobile App.
NOTE: You will need to create your member account via the Premera website prior to utilizing the mobile app.
Please email hr@sierraind.com with any questions.
Thank you,