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2021 Holiday Schedule

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"Hard to believe, it’s already time to discuss the year-end holiday schedule – but here it is!

The office will close normally on Thursday, December 23rd and the re-open on Monday, January 3rd. The holiday schedule breaks down as follows:

Friday, December 24th - Christmas Holiday (Field After Completion Orientation Period)

Monday, December 27th – Adjacent Christmas Holiday (Field After 5 Years of Service)

Tuesday, December 28 thru Thursday, December 30th – Three Additional Paid Days For All

Friday, December 31st - New Year’s Day Holiday (Field After 3 Years of Service)

Each job site will be making a separate determination based on their schedule. If you plan on working during the break, please contact Chris Kevil.

As always, when we get a little closer, we will distribute an email letting you know the timecard schedule for payroll processing during this time. It’s been a busy and successful year, our hope is that everyone can take some time at the holidays with family and friends and come back ready for another fantastic year in 2022."

- Nancy Adler

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